Designed by Painters for Painters

The majority of painting handles in the market have one primary function 'holding' the model. Despite being advertised as 'ergonomic', this is only the case if you don't rotate the angle of the piece that you are painting, at this stage one dimensional handles can actually become obstructive, hindering the stability of your brush hand and therefore the control you have over your painting.

When using these traditional, static painting handles, you will inevitably come across areas that will be incredibly difficult to paint whilst maintaining good hand stability, when you need to rotate the miniature the whole handle must rotate with it, leaving you high and dry with nothing to brace against and only your hopes and dreams to guide you.

Anthony Paul Smith

3 x Golden Winner & Co-creator

"Adam and I created this painting handle to allow you to move your model to any angle. Having good hand stability and control can really improve your painting and precision"

Adam Campbell

Competition Winning Display Painter & Co-creator

"I was always frustrated by the standard of painting handles available, having tried them all Anthony and I decided to make our own that would offer more advanced functionality, being something not just to hold the model but actually assist your painting"


35mm Mount

Designed to be used with any household mounting putty, our detachable mount perfectly accommodates many scales of miniatures. Ideal for batch painting, simply swap between mounts without removing your models.



Conical Mount

Subassembly painters will appreciate this custom conical attachment that is perfect for weapon arms and other small parts. The concave well at the tip is capable of securing most helmets/heads in the Warhammer range with the smallest amount of mounting putty.



Cork Mount

Perfect mounting option for those painters who like to pin their miniatures/models to a secure base. This option allows for pinning but also utilise our multi-directional painting options.